About Me
Dr. Ibrahim Kucukkoc is a Professor in the Industrial Engineering department at Balikesir University (Turkey) where he has been a faculty member since December 2009. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Exeter (UK) in 2015 upon completing his thesis on modelling and optimisation of complex assembly lines (funded by a 4-year scholarship from Turkish Council of Higher Education).
His research interests lie in the area of modelling and optimisation of modern manufacturing systems (assembly line balancing in particular), production planning of additive manufacturing machines and application of modern algorithms on sophisticated combinatorial optimisation problems. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines, such as computer science and mechanical engineering. His publications appeared in various esteemed journals including European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Computers & Industrial Engineering and Production Planning & Control. His research has been cited more than 900 times (based on Scopus metrics) by national and international scholars.
He has served as an Area Editor for An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA) since 2016 and carried out peer-reviewing works for many reputed academic journals including IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Information Sciences (Elsevier), Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier), European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), International Journal of Production Economics (Elsevier), International Journal of Production Research (Taylor & Francis), Assembly Automation (Emerald), Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (Springer), Neural Computing and Applications (Springer) and Journal of Facilities Management (Emerald).
He involved in the program and organisation committees of well-recognised conferences, such as ICAME'21 - The 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (Balikesir/Turkey), IMSS'21 - 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems (Sakarya/Turkey), CIE48 - The 48th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (Wellington/New Zealand), META'18 - The 7th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (Marrakech/Morocco), AICA215 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Control Automation (Phuket Island/Thailand), OR55 - The OR Society Annual Conference (Exeter/UK), YOR18 - The OR Society Biennial Conference (Exeter/UK) among others.