Papers Presented at International Conferences and Published as Full Text in the Conference Proceedings

  1. Yuchen Li, Mukund Janardhanan, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, (2023), Pareto Optimization for a Robotic Assembly Line Considering Robot Collaboration and Uncertain Demand , The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM-23), 18-21 December 2023, Singapore.

  2. Enes Demiralay, Seyed Mohammad Javad Razavi, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Mirco Peron (2023), An Environmental Decision Support System for Determining On-site or Off-site Additive Manufacturing of Spare Parts , APMS: IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS2023), 17-21 September 2023, NTNU Trondheim, Norway.

  3. Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2022), Batch Delivery Considerations in Additive Manufacturing Machine Scheduling Problem, 6th AIROYoung Workshop "Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services", 23-25 February 2022, Rome, Italy.

  4. Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2021), Metal Additive Manufacturing: Nesting vs. Scheduling, 5th AIROYoung Workshop "Optimization and Data Science: Trends and Applications", 10-12 February 2021, Naples, Italy.

  5. Zixiang Li, Ibrahim Kucukkoc and Mukund Nilakantan Janardhanan (2021), New Algorithms for Two-Sided Disassembly Line Balancing Problem, 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'21), 1-3 Sep 2021, Balikesir, Turkey.

  6. Zixiang Li, Sadegh Niroomand and Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2021), Mathematical formulation and meta-heuristic algorithms for cost-oriented two-sided assembly line balancing problem, 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems, 27-29 May 2021, Sakarya, Turkey.

  7. Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Zixiang Li and Qiang Li (2020), 2D Nesting and Scheduling in Metal Additive Manufacturing, The International Conference of Production Research, ICPR - Americas 2020, 9-11 December 2020, Bahia Blanca, Argentina.

  8. Qiang Li, David Zhang and Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2020), Dynamic Order Acceptance and Scheduling Approach for On-demand Production with Additive Manufacturing by Considering Idle Costs, The International Conference of Production Research, ICPR - Americas 2020, 9-11 December 2020, Bahia Blanca, Argentina.

  9. Yuchen Li, Xiaofeng Hu, Xiaowen Tang, Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2019), Type-1 U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing under uncertain task time, 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM2019), 28-30 August, Berlin.

  10. Qiang Li, David Z Zhang, Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2019), Order acceptance and scheduling in direct digital manufacturing with additive manufacturing, 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM2019), 28-30 August, Berlin.

  11. Yuchen Li, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Xiaowen Tang (2019), The Belief Reliability Optimization for a U-shaped Assembly Line, 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019), 3-7 June, Hong Kong.

  12. Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Zixiang Li (2018), Branch and bound algorithm with new lower bounding methods for U-shaped assembly line balancing problem, In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 11-12 September 2018, Ankara, page 117.

  13. Kucukkoc, I., Li, Q., He, N., Zhang, D. (2018), Scheduling of Multiple Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Machines to Minimise Maximum Lateness, In Grubbström, R.W, Hinterhuber, H.H., (Eds), PrePrints, 20th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-23, vol. 1, pages 237-247.

  14. Li, Q., Kucukkoc, I., He, N., Zhang, D., Wang, S. (2018), Order Acceptance and Scheduling in Metal Additive Manufacturing: An Optimal Foraging Approach, In Grubbström, R.W, Hinterhuber, H.H., (Eds), PrePrints, 20th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-23, vol. 1, 225-235.

  15. Kucukkoc, I. (2017), A non-dominated sorting approach to bi-objective optimisation of mixed-model two-sided assembly lines, 11th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations, June 5-9, Sozopol, Bulgaria, (Book Chapter: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10665, pages 364-371).

  16. Ocaktan, M.A. B., Kucukkoc, I., Karaoglan, A. D., Cicibas, A., Buyukozkan, K. (2017), Scheduling Customized Orders: A Case Study at Best Transformers Company, The 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE'17), Rome, June 8-10, ID:118, 8 Pages, DOI: 10.11159/icmie17.118.

  17. Zhang, D. Z., Kucukkoc, I., Karaoglan, A. D. (2016), Rebalancing of mixed-model two-sided assembly lines with incompatible task groups: An industrial case study, 46th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE46), October 29-31, ID:170, 8 pages, Tianjin, China.

  18. Kucukkoc, I., Li, Q., Zhang, D. Z. (2016), Increasing the utilisation of additive manufacturing and 3D printing machines considering order delivery times, In Grubbström, R.W, Hinterhuber, H.H., (Eds), PrePrints, 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 22-26, vol. 3, 195-201.

  19. Kucukkoc, I. (2016), Multi-objective Optimization of Mixed-model Two-sided Assembly Lines - A Case Study, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, Tekirdağ, Turkey, October 20-23, 249-255.

  20. Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2015), Coping with Model Variations on Parallel U-shaped Assembly Line Configurations, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015), Canada, Ottawa, 11-13 May 2015, Elsevier, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 48, Issue 3, pp. 2030-2035. Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Jurek Sasiadek and Marek Zaremba. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.387.

  21. Buyukozkan, K., Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2014), Lexicographic Bottleneck Mixed-model Assembly Line Balancing Problem: an Artificial Bee Colony Approach, Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering and IMSS 2014 - 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems, Joint International Symposium on "The Social Impacts of Developments in Information, Manufacturing and Service Systems" (CIE 2014), Istanbul, Turkey, October 14-16, pp. 1213-1227.

  22. Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2014), An Agent Based Ant Colony Optimisation Approach for Mixed-Model Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem, Pre-Prints of the Eighteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 24-28, Volume 3, pp. 313-328.

  23. Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2013), Balancing Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Lines via a Genetic Algorithm Based Approach, Proceedings of 43rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE43), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, October 16-18, Volume 1, pp. 106-121.

  24. Zhang, D. Z., Kucukkoc, I. (2013), Balancing Mixed-Model Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Lines, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IEEE-IESM'2013), Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs de Rabat (EMI), International Institute for Innovation, Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship (I4E2) - Rabat, Morocco, October 28-30, pp. 391-401 (ISBN: 978-2-9600532-4-1).

  25. Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z., Keedwell, E. C. (2013), Balancing Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Lines with Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Nature-Inspired Computing and Applications (NICA) at Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) 2013 Convention, University of Exeter, April 3-5, pp. 21-28.

Papers Presented at International Conferences and Published as Abstract/Extended Abstract in the Conference Handbook

  1. Yanic, R., Kucukkoc, I. (2025), Roll Cutting Problem in Paper Production Industry, The 2nd International Thales Congress on Life, Engineering, Architecture and Mathematics, 25-26 January, 2025, Cairo, Egypt.

  2. Camli, D., Kucukkoc, I. (2024), Rebalancing of multi-manned assembly lines with model variability, The Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'24), 26-28 June 2024, Ayvalık-Balıkesir, Turkiye.

  3. Yilmaz, O., Aydin, N., Kucukkoc, I. (2024), Minimization of Manufacturing Cost in Mixed-model Robotic Assembly Lines, The Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'24), 26-28 June 2024, Ayvalık-Balıkesir, Turkiye.

  4. Camli, D., Kucukkoc, I. (2023), A mathematical model for rebalancing of mixed-model assembly lines maximizing line efficiency, 5th International IDU Engineering Symposium (IES'23), Izmir University of Democracy, 15-17 November 2023, Izmir, Turkiye.

  5. Akdemir, M., Kucukkoc, I., Keskin, G.A. (2023), Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Parallel Additive Manufacturing Machines, The 5th International Engineering and Technology Management Summit (ETMS2023), Istanbul Technical University and Bahcesehir University, 19-20 October 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye.

  6. Kucukkoc, I., Pilati, F. (2018), Integrated Assembly Line Balancing and Feeding Problem, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'18), Balikesir, Turkey, June 27-29, Page 21.

  7. Kucukkoc, I., Li, Q., Zhang, D. Z. (2018), New Optimal Solutions for Additive Manufacturing Production Planning Problem to Minimise Cost, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'18), Balikesir, Turkey, June 27-29, Page 26.

  8. Karaoglan A. D., Atalay, I., Kucukkoc, I., (2018), Application of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Distance Restricted Vehicle Routing Problem, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'18), Balikesir, Turkey, June 27-29, Page 241.

  9. Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2013), On Applications of Ant Colony Optimisation Techniques in Solving Assembly Line Balancing Problems, Keynote Papers and Extended Abstracts Book, OR55 Annual Conference, The OR Society UK, University of Exeter, September 3-5, pp. 114-120 (Ext Abst).

  10. Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D.Z., Keedwell, E. C., Pakgohar, A. (2013), An Improved Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm for Type-I Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem, YOR18 Biennial Conference, The OR Society UK, University of Exeter, April 9-11.

  11. Pakgohar, A., Zhang, D.Z., Childe, S., Kucukkoc, I. (2013), Generalised Discrete Time-Cost Trade-Off Scheduling Problem in Highway Construction Projects, YOR18 Biennial Conference, The OR Society UK, University of Exeter, April 9-11.

Papers Presented at National Conferences

  1. Keskin, G.A., Kucukkoc, I., Karaoglan, A.D., Karadag, S. (2022), Bir Gıda İşletmesinde Çizelgeleme Çalışması, 41st Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress (YAEM'2022), Pamukkale University, October 24-26, 2022.

  2. Demirkaya. A., Kucukkoc, I. (2019), Üç Boyutlu Baskı Makinelerinde İş Çizelgeleme: Genetik Algoritma Tabanlı Bir Yaklaşım, 39th Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress, Başkent University, June 12-14, 2019.

  3. Yunso, M., Kucukkoc, I. (2019), Paralel Üç Boyutlu Yazıcı Çizelgeleme Problemi: Toplam Gecikme ve Ağırlıklı Geciken İş Sayısının Minimizasyonu, 39th Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress, Başkent University, June 12-14, 2019.

  4. Yaman, R., Kucukkoc, I. (2011), A New Comsoal Based Heuristic Approach to Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing with Parallel Workstations and Zoning Constraints, Proceedings of the 31th Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress, Sakarya University, July 5-7. pp. 219-230.

Contact Details

Balikesir University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Cagis Campus, 10145, Balikesir, Turkey