Papers Presented at International Conferences and Published as Full Text in the Conference Proceedings
Yuchen Li, Mukund Janardhanan, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, (2023), Pareto Optimization for a Robotic Assembly Line Considering Robot Collaboration and Uncertain Demand
, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM-23), 18-21 December 2023, Singapore.
Enes Demiralay, Seyed Mohammad Javad Razavi, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Mirco Peron (2023), An Environmental Decision Support System for Determining On-site or Off-site Additive Manufacturing of Spare Parts
, APMS: IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS2023), 17-21 September 2023, NTNU Trondheim, Norway.
Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2022), Batch Delivery Considerations in Additive Manufacturing Machine Scheduling Problem
, 6th AIROYoung Workshop "Operations Research and Data Science in Public Services", 23-25 February 2022, Rome, Italy.
Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2021), Metal Additive Manufacturing: Nesting vs. Scheduling
, 5th AIROYoung Workshop "Optimization and Data Science: Trends and Applications", 10-12 February 2021, Naples, Italy.
Zixiang Li, Ibrahim Kucukkoc and Mukund Nilakantan Janardhanan (2021), New Algorithms for Two-Sided Disassembly Line Balancing Problem
, 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'21), 1-3 Sep 2021, Balikesir, Turkey.
Zixiang Li, Sadegh Niroomand and Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2021), Mathematical formulation and meta-heuristic algorithms for cost-oriented two-sided assembly line balancing problem
, 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems, 27-29 May 2021, Sakarya, Turkey.
Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Zixiang Li and Qiang Li (2020), 2D Nesting and Scheduling in Metal Additive Manufacturing
, The International Conference of Production Research, ICPR - Americas 2020, 9-11 December 2020, Bahia Blanca, Argentina.
Qiang Li, David Zhang and Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2020), Dynamic Order Acceptance and Scheduling Approach for On-demand Production with Additive Manufacturing by Considering Idle Costs
, The International Conference of Production Research, ICPR - Americas 2020, 9-11 December 2020, Bahia Blanca, Argentina.
Yuchen Li, Xiaofeng Hu, Xiaowen Tang, Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2019), Type-1 U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing under uncertain task time
, 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM2019), 28-30 August, Berlin.
Qiang Li, David Z Zhang, Ibrahim Kucukkoc (2019), Order acceptance and scheduling in direct digital manufacturing with additive manufacturing
, 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM2019), 28-30 August, Berlin.
Yuchen Li, Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Xiaowen Tang (2019), The Belief Reliability Optimization for a U-shaped Assembly Line
, 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019), 3-7 June, Hong Kong.
Ibrahim Kucukkoc, Zixiang Li (2018), Branch and bound algorithm with new lower bounding methods for U-shaped assembly line balancing problem
, In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 11-12 September 2018, Ankara, page 117.
Kucukkoc, I., Li, Q., He, N., Zhang, D. (2018), Scheduling of Multiple Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Machines to Minimise Maximum Lateness
, In Grubbström, R.W, Hinterhuber, H.H., (Eds), PrePrints, 20th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-23, vol. 1, pages 237-247.
Li, Q., Kucukkoc, I., He, N., Zhang, D., Wang, S. (2018), Order Acceptance and Scheduling in Metal Additive Manufacturing: An Optimal Foraging Approach
, In Grubbström, R.W, Hinterhuber, H.H., (Eds), PrePrints, 20th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-23, vol. 1, 225-235.
Kucukkoc, I. (2017), A non-dominated sorting approach to bi-objective optimisation of mixed-model two-sided assembly lines
, 11th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations, June 5-9, Sozopol, Bulgaria, (Book Chapter: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10665, pages 364-371).
Ocaktan, M.A. B., Kucukkoc, I., Karaoglan, A. D., Cicibas, A., Buyukozkan, K. (2017), Scheduling Customized Orders: A Case Study at Best Transformers Company
, The 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE'17), Rome, June 8-10, ID:118, 8 Pages, DOI: 10.11159/icmie17.118.
Zhang, D. Z., Kucukkoc, I., Karaoglan, A. D. (2016), Rebalancing of mixed-model two-sided assembly lines with incompatible task groups: An industrial case study
, 46th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE46), October 29-31, ID:170, 8 pages, Tianjin, China.
Kucukkoc, I., Li, Q., Zhang, D. Z. (2016), Increasing the utilisation of additive manufacturing and 3D printing machines considering order delivery times
, In Grubbström, R.W, Hinterhuber, H.H., (Eds), PrePrints, 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 22-26, vol. 3, 195-201.
Kucukkoc, I. (2016), Multi-objective Optimization of Mixed-model Two-sided Assembly Lines - A Case Study
, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, Tekirdağ, Turkey, October 20-23, 249-255.
Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2015), Coping with Model Variations on Parallel U-shaped Assembly Line Configurations
, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015), Canada, Ottawa, 11-13 May 2015, Elsevier, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 48, Issue 3, pp. 2030-2035. Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Jurek Sasiadek and Marek Zaremba. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.387.
Buyukozkan, K., Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2014), Lexicographic Bottleneck Mixed-model Assembly Line Balancing Problem: an Artificial Bee Colony Approach
, Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering and IMSS 2014 - 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems, Joint International Symposium on "The Social Impacts of Developments in Information, Manufacturing and Service Systems" (CIE 2014), Istanbul, Turkey, October 14-16, pp. 1213-1227.
Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2014), An Agent Based Ant Colony Optimisation Approach for Mixed-Model Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem
, Pre-Prints of the Eighteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 24-28, Volume 3, pp. 313-328.
Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2013), Balancing Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Lines via a Genetic Algorithm Based Approach
, Proceedings of 43rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE43), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, October 16-18, Volume 1, pp. 106-121.
Zhang, D. Z., Kucukkoc, I. (2013), Balancing Mixed-Model Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Lines
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IEEE-IESM'2013), Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs de Rabat (EMI), International Institute for Innovation, Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship (I4E2) - Rabat, Morocco, October 28-30, pp. 391-401 (ISBN: 978-2-9600532-4-1).
Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z., Keedwell, E. C. (2013), Balancing Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Lines with Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm
, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Nature-Inspired Computing and Applications (NICA) at Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) 2013 Convention, University of Exeter, April 3-5, pp. 21-28.
Papers Presented at International Conferences and Published as Abstract/Extended Abstract in the Conference Handbook
Yanic, R., Kucukkoc, I. (2025), Roll Cutting Problem in Paper Production Industry, The 2nd International Thales Congress on Life, Engineering, Architecture and Mathematics
, 25-26 January, 2025, Cairo, Egypt.
Camli, D., Kucukkoc, I. (2024), Rebalancing of multi-manned assembly lines with model variability, The Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'24)
, 26-28 June 2024, Ayvalık-Balıkesir, Turkiye.
Yilmaz, O., Aydin, N., Kucukkoc, I. (2024), Minimization of Manufacturing Cost in Mixed-model Robotic Assembly Lines, The Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'24)
, 26-28 June 2024, Ayvalık-Balıkesir, Turkiye.
Camli, D., Kucukkoc, I. (2023), A mathematical model for rebalancing of mixed-model assembly lines maximizing line efficiency, 5th International IDU Engineering Symposium (IES'23)
, Izmir University of Democracy, 15-17 November 2023, Izmir, Turkiye.
Akdemir, M., Kucukkoc, I., Keskin, G.A. (2023), Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Parallel Additive Manufacturing Machines, The 5th International Engineering and Technology Management Summit (ETMS2023)
, Istanbul Technical University and Bahcesehir University, 19-20 October 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye.
Kucukkoc, I., Pilati, F. (2018), Integrated Assembly Line Balancing and Feeding Problem
, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'18), Balikesir, Turkey, June 27-29, Page 21.
Kucukkoc, I., Li, Q., Zhang, D. Z. (2018), New Optimal Solutions for Additive Manufacturing Production Planning Problem to Minimise Cost
, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'18), Balikesir, Turkey, June 27-29, Page 26.
Karaoglan A. D., Atalay, I., Kucukkoc, I., (2018), Application of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Distance Restricted Vehicle Routing Problem
, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME'18), Balikesir, Turkey, June 27-29, Page 241.
Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. Z. (2013), On Applications of Ant Colony Optimisation Techniques in Solving Assembly Line Balancing Problems
, Keynote Papers and Extended Abstracts Book, OR55 Annual Conference, The OR Society UK, University of Exeter, September 3-5, pp. 114-120 (Ext Abst).
Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D.Z., Keedwell, E. C., Pakgohar, A. (2013), An Improved Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm for Type-I Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem
, YOR18 Biennial Conference, The OR Society UK, University of Exeter, April 9-11.
Pakgohar, A., Zhang, D.Z., Childe, S., Kucukkoc, I. (2013), Generalised Discrete Time-Cost Trade-Off Scheduling Problem in Highway Construction Projects
, YOR18 Biennial Conference, The OR Society UK, University of Exeter, April 9-11.
Papers Presented at National Conferences
Keskin, G.A., Kucukkoc, I., Karaoglan, A.D., Karadag, S. (2022), Bir Gıda İşletmesinde Çizelgeleme Çalışması, 41st Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress (YAEM'2022), Pamukkale University, October 24-26, 2022.
Demirkaya. A., Kucukkoc, I. (2019), Üç Boyutlu Baskı Makinelerinde İş Çizelgeleme: Genetik Algoritma Tabanlı Bir Yaklaşım, 39th Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress, Başkent University, June 12-14, 2019.
Yunso, M., Kucukkoc, I. (2019), Paralel Üç Boyutlu Yazıcı Çizelgeleme Problemi: Toplam Gecikme ve Ağırlıklı Geciken İş Sayısının Minimizasyonu, 39th Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress, Başkent University, June 12-14, 2019.
Yaman, R., Kucukkoc, I. (2011), A New Comsoal Based Heuristic Approach to Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing with Parallel Workstations and Zoning Constraints, Proceedings of the 31th Operations Research/Industrial Engineering National Congress, Sakarya University, July 5-7. pp. 219-230.